Thursday, March 25, 2010

43,500 square feet

My brain has this problem where in the depths of winter I forget what is a reasonable amount of work for a person accomplish in a set amount of time.  Clear an acre of land? no problem.  Set up a similarly sized pig pen and plant 60 trees? you got it.  And do it all before the end of April? at least I'll sleep good.  Actually I caught a a bit of luck in that the snow has been gone for almost a month.  At this point I'm 2/3rds through with clearing and on schedule to finish just in time for my fruit trees to arrive.  On the way are plums, pears, peaches, persimmons, quinces, Paw paws, walnuts, buartnuts, etc, etc... basically anything in a medium to large tree that will grow in this zone.  Time for the pictures... more when I finish clearing.