Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Diy Water tower

I forgot the pictures of the new bees last time.  I got two more boxes of bees this spring, though because of a cold snap the weekend that they arrived one swarm died.  so here are a couple of pictures of the new hive (with the windows facing the right way).

This is about 3 weeks after they have been installed

This seems like the right place for a picture of the robin's nest in my wood shed.  I had planned to take a couple of progression pictures of the robins as they grew... but in about two weeks they went from this size to flying around and have now totally left the nest.  So you'll have to settle for another picture of the pigs.

And now to the subject of today's post, my water tower.  Because of poor planning I have a well that isn't connected to my house in any meaningful way.  so to get water I need to turn on a breaker in the house, immediately after water comes shooting out.  Not hugely problematic, but a little bit of a pain if I just want to do a water a corner of the garden.  So I developed a cheap diy water tower.  It consists of 4 50gallon barrels sitting about 200ft up the hill from the house all connected with this spidery looking thing...

This contraption makes the individual barrels act as if they were one giant 200 gal barrel, because it draws from or fills all four simultaneously

testing with three barrels

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