Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August Farm Update

The day job finally slowed down enough to take a few pictures... I havn't done much around the ole' homestead other than cut lots of firewod.  I got a little scared when we had a few, dare I say, fallish nights in the begining of August.  Firewood jumped to the top of the priority list (i didn't have any cut), now it's looking like I should be done chopping by the 1st of sept.

The pigs on a rainy day, 

they're hard to photograph when they're hungry

The bees have had a population explosion

And filled the top box with comb

and built a cool piece of display comb,

filled with honey

The Garden, doing all the better for being totaly ignored

My first Zuke

And my first Cuke

I'm so proud of them both

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