Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chauvinist Pigs!

The pigs are here. After asking everybody I saw for the past month, I finaly found someone who had pigglets. So away I went on saturday to Lee, NH to pick up three piglets. A ways from here, I know, but the people at the farm were really friendly and some fantastic heritage breed pigs. The piglets are a Tamworth X Large Black cross. The pigs were amazingly well behaved on the trip home, they pretty much slept the whole way. Providing them with plenty of energy to give me an important farm-life lesson when we got home.

The pigs being all innocent and cute and the like

The plan - barrier of electric fence straight into the pen and a ramp out of the car

(this is one of those moments you say to yourself "this is either going to go very very wrong or very very right")

"it's going to work...I'm so smart"

...in the following seconds I throw down the camera and spent the next four hours trying to chase down piglets through the woods.  luckly right around dusk they came back to the car where they spent the night.

The next day I put up some weld wire fence and spent some time assuring the piglet I don't want to hurt them (just eat them, eventually)

Things go much smoother, within seconds of being the pen they were rooting around.

A short video just to give you the full effect.  they make some pretty great noises.

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